5. Soil systems and society

5.1 Introduction to soil systems


Significant ideas:

  1. The soil system is a dynamic ecosystem that has inputs, outputs, storages and flows.
  2. The quality of soil influences the primary productivity of an area.


5.2 Terrestrial food production systems and food choices


Significant ideas:

  1. The sustainability of terrestrial food production systems is influenced by sociopolitical, economic and ecological factors.
  2. Consumers have a role to play through their support of different terrestrial food production systems.
  3. The supply of food is inequitably available and land suitable for food production is unevenly distributed among societies, and this can lead to conflict and concerns.


5.3 Soil degradation and conservation

Significant ideas:

  1. Fertile soils require significant time to develop through the process of succession.
  2. Human activities may reduce soil fertility and increase soil erosion.
  3. Soil conservation strategies exist and may be used to preserve soil fertility and reduce soil erosion


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